Friday, June 12, 2009

1st week of treatment

I have had 4 treatments now. It has been a very humbling week. I have not had any allergic reactions to the medication and I cannot explain how grateful I am to God for that!! I have had lots of herxing (which means the symptoms of the disease itself flare up). That was expected and is expected throughout the course of the treatment. The idea is that the flare ups become less severe and less frequent. Some of the symptoms this week have been exhaustion,migrains, nausea and stomach pain, sensitivity to light, and heat. Burning sensations in the arms and hands and neck. Facial numbness, severe pain in the hips, legs and lower back. Rapid heart beat, swollen and painful lymph nodes in the chest and under the armpit and burning and tenderness in the soles of the feet. All in all it has been a pretty good week and I am so thankful for God's goodness to me.

Everyday, God has given me greater peace as I surrender all of my fears and concerns to Him. I know that in the midst of the chaos, He is with me and He is allowing the details to play out exactly in accordance with His plan. As Joni Eareckson Tada writes,..."When life seems crazy, and utterly out of control, it is not. When it seems as though God has forgotten you or turned His back on you to tinker with some other universe, He has not. When it seems like you have somehow fallen out of His favor, been edged outside the circle of His protection, or missed the bus on His love, you have not....And that's what it means to walk by faith."

Thanks for your continual prayers...they enable me to do such things!:)


  1. Praying that your flare ups will become less severe quickly! Praising God for no allergic reactions...what great news! As always we love you guys and if you need anything just gives a call.

  2. glad to hear from you. Keeping you in prayer all the way from the west coast. Love ya, Laurie
